Adapt and Overcome.

Living On Oxygen for Life

Adapt and Overcome!

How creative do you get when you are faced with a new challenge in your life? A year ago, my husband (K), bought us a new clothes washer and dryer. We wanted the largest load capacity we could afford. We didn’t realize how large the washing machine would actually be. Or should I say… how deep the machine would be.

I’m actually 5’1” and to reach inside the machine to unload or to rebalance a load for the spin cycle is virtually impossible. So I had to come up with a new way of doing laundry. I found what I needed in my kitchen. In fact, I already use them to get things down from the upper cabinet. I just love Club Crackers but K always stores the on the top shelf.

Kitchen tongs are incredibly versatile. It’s a perfect tool to use for extending your reach inside both the clothes washer and dryer. Just think of me as a little MacGyver! lol! Stay well and stay home to be safe. *hugs*

9 thoughts on “Adapt and Overcome.

  1. Awesome! Why didn’t I think of that? LOL 🙂 I am going to pick up an extra set at Dollar tree next time I am there. You have an inch on me, I totally get this! You know these were designed by a six-foot-tall man! Haha. Blessings and Best Wishes!

    • I think you’re so right! My husband is 6 feet tall and he has no problem reaching in the machine. In fact we got the matching dryer & I have to use my tongs to pull out the clothes or practically climb in the dryer to reach the furthest back clothes! 😁 Stay safe.

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