A little off topic but I had to share…

Living On Oxygen for Life

Before I started taking medicine for Pulmonary Hypertension in 2006, K and I would go dancing. We’d only go to a dance club for about 2 hours, which is about how long my energy would last from dancing the whole time. Plus, there were smokers in the dance club and that bothered my breathing. I love to dance. Granted, I’m not that good at it and it is REALLY hard to dance with my portable hanging off my shoulder or sitting on the dance floor at my feet. But I did it because it made me SO HAPPY to get out and have fun even though it made me tired and that I could only do it for 2 hours. I still dance at home just to have fun and also to make K smile.

When we went out, I would get all dressed up and looking nice because, hey… I’m looking nice for my man… not for anyone else who’d see me there. It’s all about K and making fabulous memories with him. My words of wisdom: “Just getting out and trying things that make you happy for a little while will give you the memories you may need later on in life.”

So, when K and I were driving to the dance club, I had a ritual that I did every time I got into the car. It had to do with the time he took me to see The Blue Man Group. I fell in love with one of their songs that I’m about to share with you. He bought the cd for me and when we were driving to the club, I’d put that cd in and play that one song. I would start singing it so loud and acting out the song the whole way. It got to the point where K would start asking me if I was going to put in my “Going Dancing Song.”

Songs can change moods. They can lift you up or drag you down depending on the song. I try to stay away from sad songs. I don’t have many songs on my phone but there are some songs that are those “feel good” songs… and this one is like that. It expresses how I feel for K. I hope you like it too. Now get up and dance along!!! Love to you all..!!

I’m Alive!

Living On Oxygen for Life
A quick, short post today… Here’s a song that I think of from time to time when I wake up in the morning, happy that I’m alive! Yes, I’m sure I’m showing my age with this song. haha!

Listen to this song that is from an 80s movie that, for some reason, I love! Can you imagine yourself hearing this when you wake up. Celebrate each new day!

Youtube video of the song: I’m Alive <== click link!

Love and Hugs to you all. Stay well!

When the world is crashing down…

Living On Oxygen for Life

We all have the kind of days when you feel like the world is crashing down around you. You look for something… anything to pick you up and keep you moving. Many times, for me, it will be a particular song and when it’s playing either on my computer (so that I can have it readily available at times when I feel low) or I hear it on the radio in the car. I also have this particular song on my iPhone. I’ll just pop on my ear bud… I say earbud, singular, because I can only hear in my left ear. I know… it’s totally inconvenient to have one hearing ear, especially when I’m sitting in the movie theater or anywhere, really, and the person I want to talk with is sitting on the wrong side of me. hehe!

Anyway… as I was saying… The link below leads you to a song that gives me a lift when I feel like I’m no longer Wonder Woman, which isn’t often, mind you. hehe! *wink* So, listen to it and pick yourself up, dust yourself off and move on if you’re having a bad day. Stand up and dance along with the beat of this song and I swear (well, not really… I try not to swear!) that you will feel better for listening and dancing along.


This song gives me power to be me… to walk on in life with my head held high.

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What moves me…

Living On Oxygen for Life

There are times when I am doing chores around the house and I need a little motivation. Sometimes I will have the TV going as the background noise but that doesn’t always work. Then there are times when I feel a little down and out too. What do I do? What works for me? What makes me laugh, have fun and gets me to move? And when I say move… I mean really move! No no not move to a new house.

What I do is turn off the TV. I go to my computer and click on iTunes where my collection of music is stored. I slide that volume up and let the music move me! I become a boogie momma while doing chores… mainly dishes and laundry. What’s good about music and dancing around the house or even in your chair is that it is a form of exercise. It gets you moving and makes you feel good. Sure, sure, I can’t dance the whole length of the song. I get tired. That’s why I slow down and take a few breather breaks. I get really into it. The embarrassing part is having K walk in when he gets home from work and catches me in the act. *giggle* I try to get him to dance with me but he’s not into dancing. He still smiles when he sees me, though, which makes getting tired dancing worth it!

So, why am I telling you this? I would love for you to take a few minutes each time I post a song on my blog to get down and boogie with me! I am posting one of the songs that really makes me move. You don’t need to know how to dance. No seriously! Just move! Get some exercise in a fun way. Are you willing to try this with me? Click the sideways play button link below to start the song video and be silly.. be fun.. get your kids, your spouse, your pet (I’ve done that!)… just whatever! Have fun! Just don’t let your body become sedentary which leads to a decline in health. Do this for you…