Life on Oxygen

Hello, my name is Christine. I use oxygen 24/7 and I am now 54 years old. I didn’t always have to use oxygen. It all began when I was 17 years old. It was a monumental change in my life. Since I was just a teenager at the time, it hit me hard. I’m hoping with this blog that people who also use oxygen can see that life isn’t over just because you need oxygen. I think the hardest part for me was accepting that I’ll never live without it again. Once I jumped over that hurdle, life began to change. For the good.

So with this blog… and for all those who are interested in knowing how I live with oxygen needs, I’ll post what I know in hopes that it will help others. Spouses & families too! I am married and what I’ve gone through since I was 19 years old, he’s gone through too with me.

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[I update my age every year on this post]

18 thoughts on “Life on Oxygen

  1. I’m so happy that I found your blog. I have read through many of your posts and immediately connect to your experiences. And I wanted to let you know that you’ve already inspired me to try something new – I’m teaching myself how to crochet! I’ve mastered the basic stitches pretty quickly but am eager to learn more. Thank you for sharing your story.

    • Hello Jennifer! I just got home from seeing the movie The Hunger Games: Catching Fire and LOVED it. I was checking my phone when I noticed your comment on my blog. I’m so glad that you found me and my blog! I hope you continue with your crocheting. It’s so much fun! I don’t know if you’ve heard of “The Crochet Crowd” on Facebook but that group is an excellent way to learn how to crochet and even offer YouTube videos on “how to’s” as well as free patterns and contests. I hope you are well and staying warm and healthy. It is VERY cold here today. I can’t believe I ventured out in 35 degrees to see a movie. But you know… it was the Hunger Games movie. I’ve read all 3 books. haha! Enjoy your weekend and I hope to keep hearing from you with your comments or even emails!


      • I’m venturing out to see Catching Fire tomorrow night! I’ve read the books, too – I’m a HUGE fan. I’ve been counting down the days since the last movie. 🙂
        Thank you for the recommendation for the crochet group on FB. I’ll be sure to check it out. I’m still trying to master the stitches. I read that the number one mistake that newbies make is working too tightly – and I’m making that mistake.
        I see that you recently made a trip to Destin. I live in Pensacola – very nearby. I saw your pics at the beach and said, “Boy, that looks like our beach!”
        I’m looking forward to following you. My husband said I should try my hand at a blog but I don’t know that anyone would want to hear about my life. Do you have any advice on getting started?

      • Jennifer you are so lucky to live so close to a beach. Where we stayed at was called Maravilla Condos which is directly across the street from a private and very gorgeous beach. I would love to go back.

        About blogging… I chose to blog about my health but more importantly about what it’s like using oxygen 24/7. It’s what I know and I make sure that my posts are encouraging and positive. Some people blog like a diary and don’t get me wrong… There is a little diary feel to my blog but mostly I blog because I truly want to help people who use oxygen or just started using and feel overwhelmed. I know what that’s like and I wished there was the internet available back in 1986 when I was prescribed oxygen for home use. If you have questions, email me at

  2. Christine, Thanks for posting this helpful info. Your upbeat message about living with oxygen demonstrates a positive attitude that is inspirational to newly diagnosed patients beginning to use oxygen at home. With your permission, I’d like to “refer” my patients / customers to your blog–I think it would be very helpful to some of them! I’ll look for you on Facebook as well. Be well and thanks again for your hopeful message.
    Steve, RRT

    • Hello and thank you so much for reading my blog. I genuinely hope that I can be of help to anyone who reaches out for help or is just curious about what life is like having to use oxygen. I’ve found having a sense of humor helps me a lot. Oh! And ice cream! 🙂

  3. Hello Christine… My name is Christine I am 47 as well… I am in the process of going through the same new way of lifestyle… I am a house keeper my work can be stressful and sometimes kinda hard… With your experience should I keep my job afterwards or find something not so stressful…

    • Hi Christine! I’m not sure what kind of diagnosis you have or how much oxygen you need or will need in the future. In my personal opinion, stress in any kind of form can affect my health if it’s gotten to the point where it feels overwhelming. Sometimes, I don’t notice that I’m pushing myself too hard (i.e.: stressing over getting the taxes done! Ugh!) and then when I’m done, I feel all wiped out with a headache or chest pain. Other times, I know that I’m overdoing it because I feel short of breath and exhausted forcing me to have to stop doing the activity for a break. Sometimes taking a short breaks isn’t enough between activities and I end up in bed for a whole day to recover.

      What you’re asking, really depends on what level of mobility and activity you can do safely while using oxygen. Do you need oxygen 24/7? What liter flow do you use when you use oxygen? This is something you should definitely talk with your Pulmonologist and/or your Cardiologist.

      For me, I had to first cut back my hours to work part time as a telemarketer because the stress was too much for my health to handle. Then my heart really freaked out and I had to quit working all together. At this time, I was only using at night when I slept plus, a bipap machine. If you live in the U.S. and you can no longer work because you’ve become disabled, check out Social Security Disability at Whether you qualify, depends on your diagnosis and how long you’ve worked, etc. Definitely check it out now to be prepared if you have to take that route. It doesn’t hurt to get information. Talk with your doctor(s). You can email me at if you have more questions or would like to discuss this privately.

      I like your name!!! ❤️

  4. Your blog is very inspirational. I know how difficult it is to have portal hypertension and needing supplemental oxygen for life. I could relate to you because my father has a pretty similar condition. He is 62 years old and 7 mos ago he was diagnosed with hepatopulmonary syndrome. A major symptom is portal hypertension and he has been on supplemental oxygen ever since and was told that he will need to use oxygen tanks for life to get around outside. His condition most likely resulted from having chronic hepatitis C for years however recently he has been cured from it. Today he is fine but it is a daily struggle with the condition. He accepts it but he hopes to be able use liquid portable oxygen as well like you so that he can do more activities and go to farther places since an oxygen tank only lasts about two hours and he cannot really travel far. I would like to hear about any suggestions on how you go through life with this disease and how you stay put. I care so much about my father and I want him to be happy too despite this horrible disease. I am really hoping that someday soon there will be new research on the disease and eventually cure for everyone who has it. Regards.

    • Hi Darlene,

      I hope your father is doing well and getting around with his oxygen. Depending on how high his liter flow of oxygen is, maybe he could use a Portable Oxygen Concentrator which runs on batteries or electricity. You can even plug it into the car’s cigarette lighter socket for power! If he uses less than 3LPM of oxygen, check the POC’s out. It’s definitely more portable and will last longer for getting out of the house. As for me, I have Pulmonary Hypertension which is, I imagine, a little different than what your father has. Though, anytime you have a disease that causes serious breathing problems, it can be a real challenge to live as normally as a person with the disease can live. I just try to take one day at a time and keep myself looking forward to the fun things I try to plan. *hugs* .. Christine

  5. My brother jst 23 year old.he need oxygen 24/7.due to damage of lungs.he is not able to breath.docter advice to take 24/7 there any problem to take 24/7 oxygen?

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