Vacation without me

This is not the first time K has been on vacation without me. He once went with my family to Colorado for a week. That was back before we had cellphones. He had to call me on a payphone when they had stopped to camp. It was his first actual camping experience with a tent out in nature. He was a city boy that went camping. It was a true experience for him. He always says it’s not the same going somewhere without me because he wants to share the experience with me. He’s truly a sweetheart.

Last week, he went to see his extended family in Ohio. To make sure he went, it was an amazing feat of my family doing what they do when they’re called to action. The closer the departure date came to fly to Ohio, the more nervous K was about leaving me at home. He was tempted to stay home. So, I started planning.

As with any caregiver (or is it caretaker?), they need time to rest the emotions and rest the body from having to spend all their extra time (at least with us) taking care of the needs of their loved one (or friend, whatever it may be). Stress from being a caregiver (sorry, I’m going with ‘caregiver’. It just makes better sense to me.), builds and builds. If they don’t have an outlet or a place or an activity for just themselves to relieve stress, depression can set in and even still, it could happen. For you caregivers, I salute you for all you do to take care of the person you love and who needs you. Please try to take time for yourself in what’s called self-care and / or counseling.

I knew the dates that K was going to be gone. I had to get people to cover those dates or at least most of them. I realized if I could get most of the days that someone one was here checking on me, the better K would feel and the more likely he would go and enjoy his time in Ohio. So, I was able to get my BFF (M) to come over the next day after K left and she brought her son with her. We talked for 3 hours! It was fantastic! She asked what I needed help with and I asked her to please take out the trash and the wheel the trash bins to the curb. It was great because I didn’t think we would get them out before the trash people would come. GREAT JOB M & J!

M (my BFF) would text me nearly daily. She knew that my older sister was coming down too. My older sister is a take charge person and got a lot done. She fed the goldfish in our pond outside, made K and I sugar cookies (a batch and a half!), & made sure I was doing well. On Sunday, my younger sister came down who also helped a LOT. So while my older sister was still here, my younger sister held my Trilogy face mask to my face so that my older sister could cut my hair & I wouldn’t get tired from holding the mask. Talking about sisterly love and team work! Way to go SISSIES!

My older sister went home and my younger sister stayed. She and I binge-watch the first 2 seasons of Jack Ryan on AmazonPrime. I couldn’t believe she’d not heard of it before. *shock* FYI: Season 4 of Jack Ryan has been released! YAY! However, K doesn’t like binge-watching anything. He’s a savor-the-moment type person. Ugh! I’m so impatient! Though, there’s only 2 episodes out right now. We also made her favorite Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies to take home. She did all the hard work… including the constant stirring!

All throughout the time K was in Ohio, he would text and FaceTime me. I could tell he was having FUN. He was eating better and smiling more. He knew family & my friend were taking care of me. He even FaceTimed me on the 4th of July so I could watch the parade with him. Awww… it was EPIC!

I did try to wash my hair on Tuesday before my sister went home but I needed her help getting out of the shower again which was discouraging to me. I’m slowly gaining weight. K & I are frustrated because I have to rest more which means I don’t need as many calories. I have a sweet tooth. Now I have to be more careful to eat good food and less sweets. I’m internally crying over that. lol!

So, we’ll be discussing the weight gain with the doctors this month. In the next blog I post, I will discuss and show you what I’ve put together so that I can use my trilogy while showering. My original apparatus that I’ve pieced together works the best but I’m still tinkering with other ideas! I’ve even enlisted the help of my sisters to help me think of different ways to wash my hair. I want to be able to do it myself but if I need help with the hair washing, I want it to be easy for K to help. I will be trying a different idea tomorrow that involves K’s help. Wish us luck! I will not be defeated! =o)

A Darn Good Day!

Living On Oxygen for Life

I had a GREAT day yesterday. Even I couldn’t believe what all I got accomplished on my own. I made it to the pharmacy and then decided, what the heck, I still have energy… I’ll go grocery shopping all by myself. I did find myself huffing and puffing my way into the store but I grabbed a cart and rolled it the short distance to the produce department while doing a little purse-breathing along the way. (Remember? K has been taking over the grocery shopping for the last 5 or 6 months. It’s been getting harder and harder for me to go along.)

I did a bit of “slow browsing” to give myself enough time to catch my breath and then away I go to shop to my heart’s content. No, I did not buy ice cream. But I did by ingredients to make cookies and maybe even turtle cheesecake. *drool* I even had fun saying hello to people I don’t even know, even the little kids. I had so much fun!!!

I knew I’d be tired when I got home because K wasn’t going to be home yet and I skipped my morning diuretics to get an early start on my day. So I grabbed a roasted chicken for dinner. Won’t K be surprised?!?!

I got home with my groceries and unloaded AND put them away! All. By. Myself!!! *super proud of myself* Next, I started dinner! Whaaaat??? How am I even doing all this??? I just don’t know. All I can say is….K sure was surprised because not only did I accomplished all the stuff I did yesterday, I even made a salad to go with dinner! Whaaaaaat? I think I scored some extra points with the salad. *grin* Who says men don’t like salad? After dinner, my energy was definitely draining. I could only rinse off the dishes but you KNOW I had just enough energy to sit down to crochet for a few hours while we watched some TV together.

It was a happy day yesterday and I hope I have another one again soon. I am paying for all of yesterday’s effort today. I’m tired, tired, tired today and when I told K that I was ready for a nap earlier, he politely reminded me that the Cowboys play at 3pm which is about 25 minutes ago. Argh!!!! haha! So, here I am with my bipap on, in bed, trying to power up for the game.

I’m happy. I hope I don’t mess up whatever I decide to make for my contribution to our family Thanksgiving dinner. It’s supposed to be something chocolate-flavored. That’s where the turtle cheesecake comes into play. *shrug* hehe!

Have a great Sunday! Lots of love to you all!!!